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Alpha Delta Kappa Newsletters

We want to make sure you are in the know.  Please take a look at the chapter, district, state, region and international newsletters and publications for all things Alpha Delta Kappa.

The Gulf Connector

This is your region newsletter and is published biannually.  Connect with educator's in surrounding states.  Plan to plug-in by attending the Gulf Regional Conference.  You might recognize one of the presenters as your very own Beta Upsilon sister!

The Dalton Connection

This is  your district newsletter.  Connect with educators in the surrounding counties and plan to plug-in at Fall and Spring district meetings.

Georgia Connections

This is your state newsletter and is published on a monthly basis.  Connect with educators in our state, Georgia.  Plan to plug in at Georgia Alpha Delta Kappa events: Georgia Fun Day and State Convention.

Georgia Beta Upsilon              News

Spreading Seeds of

This is your chapter newsletter and is published on a monthly basis.  Please notify the chapter president to publish any "violets" or "cares and concerns".  This is a great way to connect with your Beta Upsilon sisters!

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